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Hello Mindful Cooks!

I am excited to announce that I have started a new organization, PDX VEG: Through Veg Challenges and a Vegan Mentor Program, I hope to help people shift towards veganism. The first Veg Challenge starts on June 22, 2019, two weeks after the Cherry City VegFest in Salem, Oregon. People can sign up here:

A new Mindfulness Training

The Plant-Powered Earth Holders meet online once a month and begin each meeting with Phap Ho's new Mindfulness Training.It expresses so beautifully our aspiration to become more conscious of our fellow species:

Compassionate Eating: A Mindfulness Training by Thich Phap Ho

Vegan Mentor Program

Hello Mindful Cooks,

22 Day Veg Challenge Panel Discussion and Cooking Demo

Hello Mindful Cooks! For those of you live in and around Portland, OR, there will be a Vegan for the Holidays cooking demo associated with the 22 Day Veg Challenge and a stimulating panel discussion.

Saturday, November 17, 2018
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Fred Meyer 20th Place Workshop
100 Northwest 20th Place Portland

The panel of speakers will consist of:

Stephanie Feldstein from the Center for Biological Diversity, who will talk about the environmental impacts of eating meat

Whole-Foods Plant-Based Cooking Demo

Hello Mindful Cooks,

Those of you who live in and around Portland, OR may be interested in a cooking demonstration by our own Linda Hendrickson:

Saturday, November 10, 2018
3:00 PM 4:30 PM
Fred Meyer 20th Place Workshop
100 Northwest 20th Place Portland, OR, 97209 United States


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