Hello Mindful Cooks!
I am excited to announce that I have started a new organization, PDX VEG: https://www.pdxveg.org. Through Veg Challenges and a Vegan Mentor Program, I hope to help people shift towards veganism. The first Veg Challenge starts on June 22, 2019, two weeks after the Cherry City VegFest in Salem, Oregon. People can sign up here:
Here is how to participate and what to expect:
• Complete the online form above to register for the Veg Challenge.
• Try a vegan diet for 22 days.
• Watch your inbox for the daily challenges.
• Find plant-based alternatives to animal-derived foods.
• Get help with meal planning.
• Learn how to live with omnivores.
Additional opportunities (ALL EVENTS ARE FREE!):
• Sign up for a vegan mentor who can provide individualized help to match your specific needs: https://www.pdxveg.org/mentee-questionnaire.html
• Join our optional private Facebook group for community, support, and tips.
• Attend cooking demonstrations ranging from whole-foods plant-based to decadent desserts.
• Visit Wildwood Farm Sanctuary.
You can sign up for the FREE EVENTS here: https://www.pdxveg.org/events.html.
It will be fun and easy, with lots of support available to answer questions and share tips. Please share with anyone who you think would benefit from this.
Please note that you don't have to live in Portland, OR to participate! You can benefit from the daily emails wherever you are. The only thing you'll miss are the local events. You might even be inspired to find equivalent opportunities that are in your area.