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Sunshine Smoothie

A refreshing citrus-mango-banana smoothie with a bit of ginger. Outstanding!

Major Ingredients: 

Strawberry-Basil Smoothie

Many mornings I go to my computer and The New York Times Cooking site for one of the dozens of interesting smoothie recipes posted by Martha Rose Shulman. Practically all of them can be adapted easily by using non-dairy milk or substituting agave nectar etc. for honey. Because of a recent freezer-door-left-open disaster, I had 1/2 cup of strawberry juice that had to be used, so I ended up turning Shulman's Pineapple-Basil smoothie (which is also very good) into a Strawberry-Basil smoothie, and I recommend it as a lovely treat in basil season.

Galactic Green Smoothie

It took me a while of thinking about it to try a green smoothie, and this was my first attempt. I loved it and now make one for my husband and me at least once a week for breakfast. The recipe calls for a papaya, but I haven't had a lot of success in finding a good one, so I have successfully substituted mango and peach. The reason not to use red or purple berries, I think, is color rather than flavor. I don't know the best season for papayas, but when they start appearing in the market, I'll give them a try.
Makes two 14-ounce servings

Banana Milk

Imagine oat milk thickened with banana and flavored with cinnamon and maple---yum!

Major Ingredients: 

Chocolate Spinach Smoothie

A smoothie with everything: greens, fruit, almond milk and chocolate!

Major Ingredients: 

Green Smoothie

A refreshing and oh-so-healthy beverage that we enjoy almost every day!

Major Ingredients: 

Hot Christmas Punch

"Recipe requested by Marilyn but also sent to Joy of Mindful Cooking as a holiday drink for all those tee-totaller Buddhists."

Major Ingredients: 
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