Use these fields to search for recipes by their attributes. Multiple fields work together to restrict results -- for example, selecting "white beans" and "Main Dish" will exclude any side dishes that use white beans.
Susan created this flavorful dip for our summer potluck. "I bought all the vegetables at the farmers' market and steamed them ahead if time. You can choose whatever looks good. This recipe at first seems simple, but putting it all together is actually quite time consuming----best if you prepare the vegetables the day before and the garlic aioli the next". ---Susan
Linda says, "I made up this recipe earlier this year from the ingredient list on the 'California Quinoa Fresh Pack' from Whole Foods." It added color and goodness to our table at our summer potluck!
Here is a fun veganized American comfort food recipe. It’s easy to make, and if you choose your ingredients properly, you can avoid the excess fructose and other additives in the ketchup and tomato sauce. ---- John