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Provolone Bean Cheese


David's Vegan Home Cooking, David A. Gabbe

"Provolone Bean Cheese is a mild, firm cheese, similar in form and texture to the Mozzarella Bean Cheese, but with a slightly different flavor. It makes a good sliced filling for sandwiches. David Gabbe's [not] Salami Cheese is similar but more highly seasoned."---Susan


350 ml 1 & 1/2 c. cold water
74 ml5 T. agar flakes

240 ml1 c. cooked navy or other white beans
30 ml2 T. lemon juice
30 ml2 T. tahini
15 ml1 T. toasted sesame oil
2-3 medium cloves garlic or 1 & 1/2 tsp. powder
4 ml3/4 tsp. salt
2 ml1/2 tsp. liquid smoke
pinch of ground black pepper


Combine agar and water in pot. Bring to boil over medium-high heat, stirring often to prevent sticking. Reduce heat and simmer until agar dissolves, about 5 minutes, stirring often.

Place remaining ingredients in blender. Start blender slowly and pour hot agar mixture through center lid opening. Blend until smooth.

Pour liquid cheese mixture into glass container and chill uncovered at least 30 minutes in refrigerator. Then, cover and chill several hours to allow cheese to firm up.


Yields about one pound.

Major Ingredients: