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"Parkin" Ginger Cake

Parkin is an oats & treacle gingerbread cake from northern England, traditionally served on Guy Fawkes Night. Eliza made this version based on a recipe in The Joy of Cooking. She says, "This is my kind of cake, very moist and not too sweet. I have made it gluten free using buckwheat flour, but prefer the whole wheat. Enjoy!"

Major Ingredients: 

Boston Baked Beans

David makes this dish without baking and adds an arrowroot-water mixture to thicken the rich bean “gravy.” I like the slight crust formed by the baking process, so I did not use arrowroot and baked the beans in a casserole dish at 350F—15 minutes with lid and 15 minutes without.---Susan B.

Major Ingredients: 

Mike's Own Vegan Chili

A nice staple food to help warm the bones on a cold day.

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