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Kansas, Norway, Australia, and back to Portland

We have five new people joining our email circle this week. Kassie Edwards is in Lawrence, Kansas, and Anna in Norway. In our conversation I was surprised to learn that she is "not Norwegian but Polish. I currently live in beautiful Norway. I am Macrobiotics Health Coach working now on creating workshop about food and our relation to it." I hope that means some macrobiotic recipes will be coming our way!

We are getting quite a colony in Queensland, Australia: Janelle is joining us in Morayfield and Julie Dean in Brisbane----Julie says, "Our family is vegetarian (including our 9 year old son) and we are working hard on our veggie patch, so very much look forward to being part of the Mindful Cooking email circle. With best wishes, Julie." Mark Pearson, also in Brisbane, says "I’m not a very good cook I’m afraid but I would like to learn how to cook well and mindfully as part of my practice." He is part of "Communify .. a wonderful community organisation in the Brisbane inner city area. I work as part of the mental health team. I would be very happy for you to introduce me to the group. Thanks again and all the best, Mark". Welcome, Kassie, Anna, Janelle, Julie and Mark!

It is so heartening to see our circle grow. We are so diverse, live in so many different parts of the world, yet have so many interests in common----good health, children, community, the vegetable patch----and of course, good food. Maybe this is the time to call attention to our "group photo"----the world map below. Click on it and you will be able to see where we all are. Some of us have our names with our places. If you are willing, let me know and I'll put you there. If you have a website or other online presence I'll be happy to add that too (maybe, for example, people would be interested in learning about "Communify.") Most of us will never meet in person but can enjoy these virtual connections with each other.

We are indebted to Nomi in Kansas for this week's new recipe, her Tofu Scramble: Tofu Scramble

Linda here in Portland offered a tomato-free variation of our Yamadilla recipe:

Linda is gathering a Nutritarian group here in Portland. She says, "local people can contact me for more info. You could also mention that there are several Nutritarian meetup groups, in addition to the new one in Portland (mostly on the east coast.)"

Portland people, our Winter Potluck is coming up soon ----Saturday, January 31st----6 PM. We are meeting in a new place----Sigrid has offered to host this one! She lives in north Portland. Please contact Sigrid or me to let us know if you are coming. It's always helpful to know how many to expect and especially important as we fit ourselves into Sigrid's bright and cozy apartment.

Just a reminder----I have copies of the "Cowspiracy" DVD to lend out. I'll bring them to the potluck. If anyone wants a copy sooner, let me know and we'll work it out.

Happy cooking,