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Beets, Squash and Compassion

At the last NWVEG potluck here I got to taste Beet Tartare with Cashew Cheese. It was so good I had to find the recipe. I'm sure the name relates to Steak Tartare, a dish made with raw beef, so I wasn't surprised that I found Beet Tartare on a raw food website--- but, oddly, the beet gets baked! It's quite delicious baked, chopped, mixed with dressing and served with cashew cheese. It's my new favorite way to fix beets:
Beet Tartare with Cashew Cheese

I heard from Mary in Michigan this week, telling me of a new discovery to enhance a recipe she sent us a few years ago:
Dear Eve,
I made a lucky discovery a couple of days ago. I prepared one of my favorite recipes (delicata and leek gratin) using Butternut squash instead of delicata, soy cream instead of dairy. That was nothing new. But I also wanted to use up a few leaves of lacinato kale before they faded. So I steamed them and put them on my plate with a dab of vegan butter, salt and pepper.
The discovery was that putting kale on the same fork as the squash mixture was just delicious. I will want to repeat this combination in the future. Try it and let me know what you think!

Here is the recipe she is talking about. Do you suppose it would work with kale cooked into the casserole? I hope whoever tries this first will let us know:
Delicata and Leek Gratin

I also heard from Christel in Germany who offered thoughts from Leo Babauta on "Compassion for the Defenseless"---a reminder that following a plant-based diet makes a difference to many beings in many ways. You can find the article under Active Discussions on our home page:

Thanks, Mary, and thanks, Christel. If anyone else has thoughts for our Active Discussions or recipes to share, please do send them in.

Meanwhile, I hope springtime where you are is as beautiful as it is here in Portland!

Happy cooking,