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Brown Rice Salad with Dates and Oranges


Joy of Cooking, Rombauer and Becker---sent in by Carlie

A rice salad with sweetness and tang from dates, oranges and scallions.


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710 ml 3C. cooked brown rice ( about 1 & 1/2 cups uncooked rice)
16 dates, pitted and cut into small pieces
2 large navel oranges, peeled, divided into segments, each segment cut into thirds
2 scallions, minced
59 ml1/4 cup dark or golden raisins
59 ml1/4 C minced fresh parsley
59 ml1/4 cup extra-virgin oil
44 ml3 T. fresh lemon juice
1 ml1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 ml1/4 tsp. ground cumin
Pinch of red pepper flakes
Salt to taste


Combine all the ingredients.
Serve at room temperature.

Major Ingredients: