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Vegetarian or Vegan Enchiladas



Original recipe from Zen Monastery Cookbook with numerous additions, deletions, and changes (at least 8) by Margaret.


450 g 1 lb. tofu
3 Tbs olive oil
1 small onion,chopped
6 cloves garlic, minced
230 g 1/2 lb. sliced mushrooms
450 g 16 oz. can diced tomatoes
5 ml 1 tsp salt
10 ml 2 tsp cumin
10 ml 2 tsp garam masala
110 g 4 oz. can green chili peppers
740 g 26 oz. enchilada sauce
470 ml 2 cups cooked kidney or other beans
280 g 10 oz low-fat grated cheese (Vegan omit--the good flavor will remain)
5 ml 1 tsp chili powder (or more to taste)
15 corn tortillas


Saute onion and garlic in oil till tender. Add mushrooms till tender. Add tomatoes, 1/2 tsp salt, cumin, chili peppers, and enchilada sauce. simmer 10 minutes or more.

Mash the tofu (silken type easier) and kidney beans (I use refried beans) together. If not vegan,add the cheese, 1/2 tsp salt, and mix well.

Spoon a bit of the sauce into the bottom of a 9 x 16 baking pan.
Dip each of the tortillas in turn in the sauce to soften them.
Drop a large spoonful of the filling into center of each and roll tortilla around filling, placing seam side down in baking pan.
Pour remaining sauce on top. Sprinkle generously with cheese. (I've made them without cheese and guests find them as tasty as those with cheese.)

Bake for thirty minutes at 350.

Major Ingredients: