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A holiday treat, and some thoughts on eating meditation

Last week Suzanne and I had the fun of attending a cooking class together, taught by Betty Rawker, aka Andrea Wyckoff, who aspires to be the Betty Crocker of raw food. She's a free spirit who has a good time whipping up one delicious combination after another, while we get to chop things and taste everything. This class was about recipes for the holidays, and I was especially pleased to learn about her Brazil nut cheese ball. I may be hosting a holiday party this year, for the first time since going vegan. This tasty recipe is giving me confidence that I can do it:
Brazil Nut Cheeze Ball

Christel in Germany sent a follow-up to our conversation last week about the benefits of eating slowly----some thoughts from Leo Babauta on "the meditation diet":

The benefits of eating meditation are many: Food tastes better when you pay attention.
You can learn to enjoy healthy foods when you slow down and savor.
You eat less because you’re not eating mindlessly.
You naturally gravitate towards simpler foods because of the savoring.
You begin to address the emotions around eating.
You get a little oasis of slow mindfulness in your busy day.
It relieves stress.
It’s fun.

Sounds good to me, especially that last line. Here is the whole article if you would like to read more:

Happy cooking,
