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Vegan Sweet Potato Masala


Eliza found it in a magazine

A spicy side dish, especially good alongside Eliza's Chickpea Stew: Eliza’s Chickpea Stew with Coconut and Turmeric


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950 ml 4 cups sweet potato, peeled and cut into1/4 inch cubes
15 ml1 T. oil
15 ml1 T. cumin seed
2 garlic cloves, minced
15 ml1 T. serrano chili, minced
15 ml1 T. ginger, grated
1 large yellow onion, slivered
5 ml1 tsp. salt
5 ml1 tsp. turmeric
15 ml1 T. lemon juice
120 ml1/2 c. cilantro, finely chopped


1. Into a large pot, boil sweet potato cubes until soft. Drain and set aside.

2. Into a wok or pan, heat oil on medium. Add cumin seed, stir lightly, and cook about one minute.

3. Add garlic, chili, and ginger and stir gently. Cook about 2 minutes.

4. Add onion and 1/4 tsp. salt, increase heat, and cook until onions wilt. Add turmeric and stir.

5. Into the pan, add sweet potatoes and stir well so potatoes are covered with spiced mixture.

6. Add 3/4 tsp. salt, lemon juice, cilantro and mix well. Cook about 5 minutes and serve.

Major Ingredients: