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Pepperoni Potato Soup with Kale


Glenn --- Inspired by The Superfun Times Vegan Holiday Cookbook by Isa Chandra Moskowitz p. 163

Glenn, who came up with this recipe, says simply: "This was a really good soup." Enough said!


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For the soup:
240 ml1 C water for sautéing
1 onion, diced
3 garlic cloves, minced
5 ml1 t dried thyme
450 g1 pound Yukon Gold potatoes cut into ¾ inch pieces
240 ml1 C chopped carrots
710 ml3 C vegetable broth
½ t turmeric
450 g1 pound kale cut into bite size pieces
2 Tofurkey Pesto Spinach sausages in ½ inch chunks
30 ml2 T lemon juice

For cream sauce:
¾ C cashews soaked for 2 or more hours
1½ C vegetable broth
30 ml2 T mellow white miso
30 ml2 T tomato paste
30 ml2 T nutritional yeast


In a large soup pot, add 2-3 T water. Over medium-high heat add onions and sauté until soft. Add garlic and thyme and heat until fragrant. Add the potatoes, carrot, broth, turmeric. Cover and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to simmer. Cook until carrot and potatoes are tender.

Make the cream while the others are cooking. Add all the ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. This may take a few minutes and you may need to stop several times and scrape the sides of the blender.

Add about one half of the potato and carrot mixture to the blender and blend until smooth. When smooth, return to pan and stir into remaining carrot and potato mixture. Add kale and cover. Cook until kale breaks down. Add sausage and lemon juice and cook until heated through. Enjoy!!

Major Ingredients: