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Oceans' Delight Tofu Spread



A fishbone-free vegan fishy dish, sent with "Mermaid's Greetings" from Christel. Spread it on crackers or use it to fill a sandwich along with cucumbers, tomatoes, onions...


130 g 126 g smoked Tofu ( about 4.4 oz )
1 Nori leaf
60 ml60 ml (1/4 c.) Orange juice
10 ml2 teaspoons Tamari


In a tiny blender, blend the Nori leaf with the s-blade very fine, add the smoked Tofu ( I cut it before into pieces ),
the Orange juice and the Tamari, blend it and ready.

Chickpeas ( instead of Tofu ) blended with Nori is also a good way to save some of our friends in the water.

Major Ingredients: