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Around the world with the intrepid culinary adventurers

This week's recipe comes from Betsy, who made Miyoko Schinner's Sun Dried Tomato and Basil Cheese. Besides providing the recipe, Betsy kindly wrote an account of her experiences with the book, Artisan Vegan Cheese, for our Active Discussions. Scroll down below the map for the Active Discussion on Artisan Vegan Cheese and then look over on the right under Recipe of the Week for the tomato-basil cheese recipe.

I know there is a lot of interest in Miyoko's book. Sigrid in Portland sent this message:
I appreciate having the ricotta recipes here. I just checked out Miyoko's book "Artisan Vegan Cheeses" from the library (trying to decide whether to buy it) and looked through it carefully.
A question to you, to all: She uses carrageenan in some of her recipes (as thickener and emulsifier). I recently read that carrageenan, though made from a natural ingredient, seaweed, is detrimental to our health, causing inflammation, malignancies and other stomach problems. I read this in connection with Almond Milk and Soy Milk (non-home-made, that many of use as milk substitute) and it was strongly recommended to look for brands not using it. Dr. Weil and Prevention Magazine and many others recommend avoiding regular consumption of foods containing carrageenan. Here is a site that lists organic brands of dairy and non-dairy products with and without carageenan;

Donna, also in Portland, sent this link to an article on the pro-GMO industries launching an attack on Vandana Shiva:
Hello Eve - I hope this article gets shared with…the entire world!!!-----Donna

Seeing Alison's note last week about the Indian Slow Cooker, Natascha in California sent this suggestion:
You might like to know about my friend Talya, who is an Ayurvedic practitioner and chef, and wrote a wonderful book, "The Vegan Ayurvedic Kitchen." She lives in Santa Cruz.----Natascha

And Alison gave our group a new name---I like it!
Thanks for updating my state to our community of culinary adventurers!---Alison

Justina in Colorado sent this note:
Don’t know if you know of JL Fields or not. She lives in Colorado Springs and is a coauthor of Vegan for Her with Virginia Messina. She’s done cooking demos at our CO VegFests the last 2 years, and she is just delightful! ... As you’ll see in the end, she’ll be at the Portland VegFest the last weekend of Sept. If you go and get a chance, go by and tell her hello (and have her sign her book, if you have/want it). ! I’ll write a note to her telling her to watch for you as well. It’s great to connect wonderful people with each other!Take care,Justina
JL Goes Vegan: Where’s JL in September?

This is a good time to say, Portland people, our VegFest is next weekend , Sept. 27 and 28.! This is always a spirited event with lots to learn ----speakers, cooking demos, booths-----and free samples to taste. I just checked and JL Fields will be at the Sunshine Burgers booth. If you see her, please let her know of your connection with our group and Justina! Here is all the information on VegFest and a $1-off coupon you can print for yourself:

Christel in Germany sent a handy link to conversion tables ...
Solveig Berg-Vollans blog is one of my resources for gluten-free and plant-based recipes.
In her recent post she informs on conversion-tables for ingredients:

...and another link:
It's from HH the 17th Karmapa, who is encouraging his students/monasteries to be vegetarians.

What fun----we're hearing from culinary adventurers in Oregon, California, New Hampshire, Colorado and Germany all at once! I wonder what part of the world next week's messages will come from...

Happy cooking,


Miyoko Schinner was asked about carrageenan at last year's VegFest. She acknowledged the concern and said that each person needs to make up his/her own mind, but that the small amount called for in the cheese recipes did not concern her. She may have given an alternative ingredient that she said was not entirely satisfactory, but alas I cannot remember what it was. I have had a few e-mail exchanges with Miyoko on other topics and found her very responsive and helpful. Perhaps you could write to her directly. She's at: [email protected]
Looking at the list of carrageenan-containing products, I am not too concerned, because I myself consume very few if any of them. How many of us do?