I have so much to share with you this time. First comes a recipe for green beans and onion rings from Linda here in Portland. I got to taste this dish at Thanksgiving and can confirm how good it is, but it was gone before I thought to take a picture! I hope whoever makes it next will snap a photo and send it in:
Green Bean Casserole with Crispy Onion Rings
In the spirit of new resolve in the new year, Christel in Germany sent a link to the Forks Over Knives Fresh Start Challenge ---- a 21 day online program that starts soon! --- this Saturday, Jan. 6:
Just for beginners and for all with a beginners mind ; ),
an introduction, meal by meal, to a wholefood plantbased diet:
Here's another important date for your calendar --- Saturday, Feb 3 --- the Plant-Powered Earth Holders are hosting an online sangha gathering on Getting the New Year Off to a Great Start". I'll hope to see you there! https://earthholder.org/nourish/
Laura in California sent links to three very interesting articles:
Imagine a tax on meat! --- it could happen: https://www.commondreams.org/news/2017/12/11/meat-tax-crucial-says-analy...
Some good news for those of us who keep getting older ---leafy greens have been shown to make a significant difference in slowing cognitive decline:
Pet food accounts for about 25% of meat consumption in our country; the good news here is, Los Angeles city animal shelters are looking into switching to vegetarian dog food:
I also found a newsletter from Dharma Voices for Animals in my inbox, telling of a major effort to promote a plant-based diet in the Buddhist nation of Sri Lanka -- and a shift to plant-based eating at the Jewel Heart Tibetan Buddhist Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan -- which caught my attention because it's my childhood home :-)
So much change is happening around us and among us. I'll end with a beautiful mindfulness training composed by Thay Phap Ho, with thanks to Laura who found it in The Mindfulness Bell and let me know:
Aware of the suffering caused by human exploitation of animals for food, clothing, cosmetics, medical testing, and the pet industry, I am committed to recognizing the preciousness of all life. I will learn about the situation of animals as well as establish relationship with wild and domesticated animals in order to deepen my understanding of their happiness and suffering. I will continue to take steps to lessen my consumption of animal products and to help others to do the same, in a joyful and loving way. I see my transition to a plant-based lifestyle as a necessary ingredient in a collective awakening and a comprehensive approach to mitigating catastrophic climate change. Cooking or serving a plant-based meal, I shall also remember the plant life that is being offered to sustain my life.
Happy cooking,