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We have a new member in our email circle, and a new country too: Arin is joining us from Sheffield, New Zealand. Welcome, Arin! Our project is connecting 186 of us in 16 countries now, proving once again that food is common ground for everyone.

More uses for agar, and that Carnegie Mellon study

Penny from Long Beach, California, is joining us this week. Welcome, Penny!

Our new recipe is an old favorite of mine, a delicious stuffed acorn squash from the Moosewood Cookbook. It's so comforting on a cold January night --- hope you like it!
Comprehensively Stuffed Squash

Last week's agar gelatin recipe brought enthusiastic responses from John in Texas and Linda here in Portland:

Holding the Earth, creating in the kitchen

We have a new member joining our email circle, Krista S. in Ridgway, Colorado. Welcome, Krista!

Do you remember where we were before the holidays took over? Mary had sent an article titled - After Paris: Making the Case for a People-Powered Transition to a New Climate Culture .

Us, our map, our food budgets and a new discount!

Our project is growing by leaps and bounds---- we're adding 7 new cooks to the circle this time! Gigi is joining us from Washington, D.C. and Susan Glogovac from Providence, Rhode Island, a new state for us. Mary Rankin and her husband started the Full Moon Sangha (what a beautiful name!) in Farmington, Maine, another new state for us. She heard about us through George's message to the Earth Holders.Chris Parsons is a writer living in Bristol, U.K., who sent us an article on a novel food item: chickpea meringue----who would have thought of such a thing?

Vegan on a budget

We have two more cooks joining our email circle this week ---- a warm welcome to Elayne in Nevada City, California, and Debbie in Wheeling, W. Virginia!


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