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Movie: FOOD, Inc.

This film, by the producer of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth," describes the nitty gritty of the American industrial food production system. In many ways it is shocking, although a lot of it deals with the meat and poultry industries and many of us are beyond them, or partly so. But perhaps more disturbing is the political and economic stranglehold a few corporations seem to have over virtually all commercial food production, animal and vegetable, the secrecy they work under, and the apparent impotence of the government regulatory agencies most of us assume are doing something to protect the food supply.
As part of my personal investigation into what the film says, I went to WINCO and walked every aisle looking at food ingredients; it was readily obvious that almost everything there had some component of processed corn or soy bean, exactly as documented.
I thought it an important enough film to buy a copy, which is available for Portland friends to borrow and watch.
It will change your feeling about walking into a food store, and I'll bet it gets more tomatoes planted in your yard!

This is one movie I don't expect to see on the racks in my local supermarket!

I thought this documentary was a great follow-up to Michael Pollan's "The Omnivore's Dilemma". If you have not read it, I would encourage you to do so. I find the politics of food in this country so frustrating - definitely a feeling to meditate on.