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Banana Blueberry Bars

Moist and delicious bars made of all good things.

Major Ingredients: 

Galactic Green Smoothie

It took me a while of thinking about it to try a green smoothie, and this was my first attempt. I loved it and now make one for my husband and me at least once a week for breakfast. The recipe calls for a papaya, but I haven't had a lot of success in finding a good one, so I have successfully substituted mango and peach. The reason not to use red or purple berries, I think, is color rather than flavor. I don't know the best season for papayas, but when they start appearing in the market, I'll give them a try.
Makes two 14-ounce servings

Dutch Breakfast Sandwich

A typical breakfast from Jana's kitchen----toast with peanut butter and banana. Yum!

Major Ingredients: 

Quinoa Banana Porridge

This high-protein breakfast is light and fluffy when done in a food processor and grainy but still tasty when mashed by hand.

Major Ingredients: 

Betsy's Low-calorie Chocolate Sauce over Bananas

A good-for-you chocolate sauce to serve over fruit or just about anything!

Major Ingredients: 

Banana Milk

Imagine oat milk thickened with banana and flavored with cinnamon and maple---yum!

Major Ingredients: 

GF Bananananda Bread

Imagine the flavors of banana,walnut, apple, maple, and dates all together in one bread---yum! The original version was made with spelt flour. Here's a version for the gluten-sensitive among us, made with the flours I had on hand.

Major Ingredients: 

Christel's Crunchy Curried Cauliflower

Imagine cauliflower and apple marinated in lemon and banana---an unusual and tasty salad!

Alison's Fruit and Avocado Pudding

A refreshing and healthy dessert!

Major Ingredients: 

Bananananda Bread

Margaret sent this tasty spelt bread.


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